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Master’s Degree in Psychology

The Master’s Degree in Psychology of UFGD was designed to develop researchers who can critically think and be able to contribute to the socio-economic, cultural, technical and scientific advancement of the country. The proposal is based on a broad theme and it aims at comprehending different psychological knowledges and practices deriving from regional and national needs.
• Behavioral and cognitive processes
• Psychosocial processes:
Seminars on research
Epistemology of research in Psychology; critical analysis of the different modalities and structures of research projects. Seminars and presentations of research proposals of the professors of the Graduate Program in Psychology of UFGD.
Development of teachers and teaching practice
Studies about the relation between the education of teachers and improvements in the quality of teaching; public policies regarding initial and continued education of teachers and its impact on their teaching practice; social representations, education of teachers and pedagogical practice; professional development of teachers; the concept of critical-reflexive teachers and of researcher professors, and the education of Psychology professors in the context of social change.
Psychology of borders
Border and the language of others. Mother and foreign language. The development of identity in borders. Indian villages and reservations: the construction of Indian borders. Brazilian Indians. Guaranis, Kaiowás and Terenas: history and conflicts. The anthropological perspective and the ethnographic method.
DISCIPLINES LINE 1 – Behavioral and Cognitive Processes
Theories and methods on behavior and cognition
Theoretical fundamentals of experimental contemporary research on behavior and cognition, specifically the following topics: sensation, perception, emotion, memory, motivation, language, conscience, imagination and creativity, according to the most relevant perspectives in the field. Introduction to the kinds of experimental design on behavioral and cognitive processes and critical analysis of scientific publications related to the phenomena studied in the discipline. Analysis of the propositions that explain behavioral emergencies, including propositions that integrate approaches for the interpretation of behavioral and cognitive phenomena.
Basic psychological processes in clinical practice
Understanding of the basic psychological processes in accordance with cognitivism. Study about processes such as memory, thinking, motivation, perception, self-regulation. Analysis of the relation between psychological processes and psychological interventions. The importance of understanding and studying basic psychological processes in the patient’s adherence to different treatments. Cognitive psychotherapy. Motivational interviewing.
Language and symbolic behavior
Presentation of the scientific and philosophical assumptions of Radical Behaviorism and the fundamentals of the scientific explanation for symbolic language and behavior. Design of the proposal of a behavioral interpretation of language: verbal behavior, equivalence of stimulus and the Relational Frame Theory. Skinner’s formulation of verbal behavior and the categories of verbal operants. The role of stimulus control in the formation of equivalent stimulus classes, and Sidman’s proposition about the experimental analysis of the symbolic behavior. The Relational Frame Theory of Steven C. Hayes and Dermot Barnes-Holmes and its role in the formulation of the behavioral interpretation of language. Critical analysis of the most recent studies in the field, based on the three perspectives approached in the discipline.
Advanced topics in analytic-behavioral therapy
Historical, philosophical and theoretical fundamentals of behavioral therapy. Functional analysis. Methodological aspects of research in analytic-behavioral clinical practice. Third wave behavioral therapies: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialetical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP).
Maternal-child health: risk prevention and intervention
Psychological aspects of pregnancy, birth and puerperium. Psychological interventions in pregnancy and puerperium. Psychological attention in neonatology. Evaluation and accompaniment of risk babies. Mother-child bonding. Public policies in health.
Risk factors and protection mechanisms to child development
 Theoretical fundamentals of the Developmental Psychopathology Approach. Biological and environmental vulnerability as a risk factor for psychological development. Studies about resilience in the development path. Pediatric psychology: psychological attention in neonatology and perinatology. Evaluation of strategies for facing the hospitalization of children. The relevance of psychological evaluation in pediatric clinical practice.
Disciplines line 2 – psychosocial processes
Psychosocial theories and methods
Historical, epistemological and methodological fundamentals that sustain the main psychosocial theories. Categories, concepts and themes from different psychosocial paradigms. Studies about psychosocial phenomena that mobilize Brazilian society in different institutional contexts. Transdisciplinary approach to health prevention and promotion. Ethics in psychosocial research, teaching and intervention.
History of family: processes and changes
Family relations in pre-modern contexts. The historical construction of the concept of modern family: the rise of the notion of childhood, romantic love and family core. Individualism and aspects of contemporary couple and family dynamics.
Psychology of violence: in family, in schools and in society
Critical theory and traditional theory in the study of violence. Studies about Violence in the scope of Psychology. Different modalities of violence. Description and characterization of Violence in several contexts. Violence in institutions and organizations. Processes of socialization, violence and the construction of subjectivity. Internalization and naturalization in the process of social formation of mind: the trivialization of evil. Types of Subjectification under violence. Psychosocial diagnosis of violence. Psychosocial policies of Violence prevention. New configurations of violence and of the subjectivity in postmodernity.
School, violence and social representations
The different modalities of conflicts involving (in)discipline and violence in schools; the mains groups involved in this; the school as space of teenage sociability; interpersonal relations among school agents; authority and authoritarianism in pedagogical practice; strategies used by schools to negotiate conflicts; Social Representations of school agents about the phenomenon.
Psychology and social inequalities
Psychosocial studies and researches about the inequalities that mark Brazilian society. Gender, ethnic-racial, generational and socio-economic inequalities. Processes of social inclusion and exclusion, disafilliation, vulnerabilities and social risk. Analysis of the theoretical and methodological designs of psychosocial interventions in emerging contexts: third sector, public policies, social networks, vulnerable and poor populations. Ethical aspects in research, class education and psychosocial intervention.
Subjectivity and the constitution of the subject
Subjetivity and Subjectification Processes. Constitution of the subject. Subject-object relationship. Individual-Society relationship. Me-other relationship. Subjectivity in the contemporary world. Intersubjectivity and Otherness.
Work and management: repercussions in contemporary society
Reflections about the relation between management, mental health and work. This historically built relation in contemporary society and its repercussion in the context of productive restructuring, including psychic suffering, violence at work and psychological harassment, among others.
Discourse representations of body, health and cure
Body and discourse. Anthropology of Health and Mental Health. The discourse of health and the processes of disease and cure in various cultures. Models of Health Assistance. Discourse representations of hospital institutions. Body, health and territory.
Other elective disciplines
Special topics in Psychology I
Discipline for the deepening of knowledge. Varied content.
Special topics in Psychology II
Discipline for the deepening of knowledge. Varied content.
Special topics in Psychology III
Discipline for the deepening of knowledge. Varied content.
Special topics in Psychology III
Discipline for the deepening of knowledge. Varied content.
Guided studies I
Bibliographic search and reading about the graduate’s research project. Collaboration with the objective of helping students, involving tools and theories that will be used during the development of the research. Improvement of the bibliographic and theoretical knowledge as part of the fundamentals of the research project.
Guides studies II
Bibliographic search and reading about the graduate’s research project. Collaboration with the objective of helping students, involving tools and theories that will be used during the development of the research. Improvement of the bibliographic and theoretical knowledge as part of the fundamentals of the research project.

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