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Indigenous Intercultural Degree"Teko Arandu

The Intercultural Indigenous Degree course "Teko Arandu" is a degree course aimed at training indigenous teachers from Guarani and Kaiowá ethnic groups. It was implemented in 2006, based on a combination of institutional efforts involving UFGD, Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB), the Movement of Indigenous Teachers, the state government, MEC, FUNAI, about 20 municipal governments and other entities. This graduation is offered by the methodology of alternation (teaching activities at the University and also in indigenous villages and schools) and graduated the first students in 2011. The course offers a Full Teaching Degree in Intercultural Education, with qualifications in four areas of knowledge: Human Sciences, Languages, Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The degree meets the University's mission, aiming at promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences trhough an inclusive education.



Type: Teaching Degree

Duration: 4 years

Time: Alternation Pedagogy

Seats available: 70 seats

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