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In times of greater need for efforts in territorial planning and infrastructure, resulting from an increasingly computerized world and complex activities, the professional geographer has the main role of planning, organizing and optimizing space and territory. It is, therefore, a professional with an increasingly comprehensive field of action in the public spheres, in strategic government bodies, and in the private spheres, which, in turn, have an expanding market in the areas of environmental consulting, territory, logistics, among others. The geographer also has a traditional presence in the academic and teaching sector, since understanding the characteristics of the planet, in all its nuances, is a fundamental need in a world with such dynamic and, at the same time, integrated characteristics. In addition to being a technical professional, he must have a thinking aspect, in which he seeks to see and analyze the world in which he lives in a critical, ethical, human and rational way.


Type: Degree and Bachelor's Degree
Duration: 4 years
Time: Evenings and Saturday mornings and afternoons
Seats Available: 50 seats

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