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The goal is to develop professionals who can exercise Higher Education research and teaching (at undergraduate and graduate levels) and contribute to the development of the historical knowledge. The objective of the Program, from its origins, is to offer graduates opportunities to continue their studies at a graduate level and to offer professionals conditions so that they can improve their cognitive and technical abilities from research experience regarding several fields of history. We believe that students from this Graduate Program of UFGD will be able to socially contribute to the development of possibilities and strategies that aim at creating a more equidistant society, improving socio-economic conditions, diminishing current regional inequalities in Brazil and, more specifically, broaden the understanding about the historical and social dynamics that take place in bordering regions. This is a fundamental condition for Brazil to have a real process of integration with bordering countries.
Lines of research
●  Indigenous history
● Social movements and institutions
● Borders, identities and representations
Seminars of research projects        
Research projects in history: definition of the problem statement and recognition of the research object. Research sources: theoretical-methodological advising; interdisciplinarity, History and its relation to other social sciences; collecting, organizing and analyzing data. The qualifying report.
Theories and methods of History  
The main historical schools. Theories and philosophies of history. Historicism. Historical materialism. Social history. The Annales and the new history. Structuralism and post-structuralism. Postmodern tendencies. Sources and treatments. Interdisciplinarity.
Material culture, ethnicity and indigenous territories
Introduction to archeology and ethnohistory: basic concepts and theoretical-methodological debates; Interfaces between archeology, anthropology and history:  interdisciplinarity and total indigenous history; indigenous archeology and the ethnohistory of indigenous people in Mato Grosso do Sul and adjacent areas: problems, tendencies and perspectives.
History of the representations of indigenous people: the eurocentric imaginary and ethnical otherness
It analyzes the creation of the western imaginary regarding wild men; the transposition of the western imaginary about native people from America; the power relations underlying stereotyped eurocentric discourses; epistemological perspectives for overcoming eurocentrism.
Indigenous history and intercultural epistemology: challenges and perspectives                                           
Introduction to the basic principles of intercultural philosophy. Imaginary basis of missions. Dependence between Religion, History and Culture. Comparative studies of the forms of relationship with indigenous people. Case studies of intercultural proposals in the region.
Religious missions and indigenous people
Catholic presence with emphasis on Jesuit and Franciscan priests (16th-18th centuries), presence of other catholic orders (20th-21st centuries) and other religious forms. Protestant presence (19th-21st centuries). Pentecostal and neo-pentecostal presence (20th-21st centuries). Presence of other religious groups. Ecumenical presence (20th-21st centuries). Philosophical principles and imaginary basis for the missionary actions.
Indigenous people: history and historiography   
Historiography about indigenous people. Theoretical-methodological themes, approaches and perspectives in contemporary indigenous history. Historiography, indigenous history and dialogue with other areas of knowledge.
Interethnic relations and territoriality between indigenous people       
Concept of ethnical group. Social and cultural construction processes of ethnical identities. Historical particularities and differentiation processes. Ethnicity and social structure; urban indigenous settlement; antagonism, discrimination and conflict; status and mobility. Polyethnic societies, culture and politics. Culture and territory.
Special topics in indigenous history           
It may be offered by the teaching staff of UFGD or invited professors and it shall include varied content that is considered relevant to graduates’ education.
Dimensions of the urban space: history and historiography     
Historiography of cities. Urban sociabilities and sensibilities. Representations of urban space. The modern and the archaic. Visible and invisible cities (neighborhoods, housing, health and public policies, institutions). Material heritage. Urban social movements.
History and gender  
History of women and history of gender. Approaches and historical sources for gender studies. Social representations. Imaginary. Culture. The public and the private. Power relations.
History and social movements        
Classical and contemporary paradigms. Social movements: identity, citizenship and democratization. Political culture, quotidian and political actions of social movements. The theoretical-methodological debate about social movements. Social movements: identity and citizenship. The agrarian reform policy. Main mediators of the fight for land. Gender relations in social, rural and urban movements.
Historiography and History teaching        
Examination of the production and the theoretical-methodological issues relevant to history. Analysis of the possibilities for the teaching of history as an academic discipline. Analysis of the analytical tendencies for the Brazilian historiographic production. Reflections about the historiographic perspectives involving History, Education and Society: make, tell and study history. The work of teaching history.
Institutions and power                    
Discussion about questions related to the various dimensions of the articulation of power, politics and institutions. Reflections about the nature of the State, regarding its modalities of organization and its relations with society. Theoretical approach and discussions about the historical and historiographic perspectives on the journey of institutions and social groups, with emphasis on the processes of transformation or institutional ruptures. Case studies: Family, Church and Armed Forces.
Special topics in social movements and institutions         
It may be offered by the teaching staff of UFGD or invited professors and it shall include varied content that is considered relevant to graduates’ education.
Cultural history       
Theoretical-methodological aspects and their relations with the historical knowledge. Cultural history and multidisciplinarity. Aspects related to the writing of history.
Brazilian historiography                
The writing of history in Brazil. Historiography and projects for the construction of nationality. Main authors, dialogues and perspectives with interpretations about Brazil. The organization and disciplinarization of the historical knowledge. Current production and debates about Brazilian historiography.
Identities and representations                    
Analysis of the concepts of identity, otherness, representation, modernity, postmodernity, State-nation, nationalism, post State-nation, post-colonialism and hybridizations.
Mato Grosso do Sul: history and historiography
Discussion of the process of configuration of society in the meridional space of the former state of Mato Grosso, taking into consideration different historiographic formulations and including themes such as: indigenous and non-indigenous populations; territorial policies, expansion fronts, pioneer fronts and economic transformations; link to the platinum region (contacts and conflicts); politics, memory, historiography and identities; divisionism.
Special topics in borders, identities and representations
It may be offered by the teaching staff of UFGD or invited professors and it shall include varied content that is considered relevant to graduates’ education.
Teaching internship I e II               
Special topics in borders, identities and representations II
It may be offered by the teaching staff of UFGD or invited professors and it shall include varied content that is considered relevant to graduates’ education.
Special topics in social movements and institutions II                 
It may be offered by the teaching staff of UFGD or invited professors and it shall include varied content that is considered relevant to graduates’ education.
Special topics in indigenous history II       
It may be offered by the teaching staff of UFGD or invited professors and it shall include varied content that is considered relevant to graduates’ education.

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