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Promote the investigation of the phenomenon of education, from different theoretical perspectives and optics, with the purpose of developing researcher professors for the field of Education.
Lines of research:
●Education and Diversity.
●History of Education, Memory and Society
●Education Policies and Management
Analysis and Evaluation of Public Policies for Education
Theoretical-methodological approaches and evaluation of public policies, tools, limits and possibilities, with special attention to the focus that is given by these educational policies.
Master’s Degree Supervised Activities
The objective of the supervised activities is to enrich and diversify the curricular framework of the Master’s degree in Education, making it possible for graduates to use their technical-scientific knowledge and practice in order to accomplish the main activity of the program.
Evaluating and Monitoring Education     
Theoretical-methodological, political-administrative and pedagogical aspects of educational monitoring, with special attention to large-scale assessment, system assessment and institutional assessment. Critical analysis of assessment practice and use and of approaches to the theme in educational research.
Higher Education Teaching           
This discipline proposes a reflection about the paradigms of knowledge and their relation with Education.  It also aims at analyzing the epistemological fundamentals of the dynamics of construction, legitimacy and diffusion of scientific knowledge. It focuses on different conceptions related to history, nature, society and to the reach of the inter and transdisciplinary processes in the field of human and social sciences, mainly Philosophy and the theory of knowledge. The goal is to help graduates of the Master’s and the doctoral degrees so that they can progressively develop their thesis and dissertation projects.
Education and the Paradigms of Knowledge I
This discipline proposes a reflection about the paradigms of knowledge and their relation with Education.  It also aims at analyzing the epistemological fundamentals of the dynamics of construction, legitimacy and diffusion of scientific knowledge. It focuses on different conceptions related to history, nature, society and to the reach of the inter and transdisciplinary processes in the field of human and social sciences, mainly Philosophy and the theory of knowledge. The goal is to help graduates of the Master’s and the doctoral degrees so that they can progressively develop their thesis and dissertation projects.
Education and the Paradigms of Knowledge II
The discipline is intended to offer graduates a deeper reflection upon knowledge and Education. It analyzes contemporary cognitive basis and their educational implications, especially those by contemporary currents and authors whose theoretical reflections have contributed to the discussions about the relation between individual-society-nature and education. It aims at providing subsidies for theoretical grounding and also a methodological dialogue between doctoral dissertations, through the debate over contemporary authors, mainly those of sociology and the theory of knowledge.
Education and Information and Communication Technology
This discipline proposes a reflection upon the relation between education and information and communication technology. It analyzes the theoretical and conceptual aspects of the role of ICT in contemporary society and its impact on educational processes, in an interdisciplinary perspective. The discipline approaches themes such as the political economy of communication and culture, information and communication networks, the society of knowledge and digital inclusion.
Special Education and Inclusion
The discipline approaches the epistemological, philosophical, historical and socio-cultural aspects of the movement of inclusion and the relations which permeate school daily routine and provide fundamentals of special education in the perspective of inclusive education. It analyzes pedagogical practice in the context of schools, specialized educational service, educational background for professionals of the field and the constitution of the support network for educational inclusion.
Education, Identity and Diversity
The discipline proposes reflections upon the relation between education, identity and diversity. It analyzes the concepts of identity and diversity in the light of the main theoretical perspectives in the field. Themes such as social, cultural, ideological and ethnic-racial diversity in the context of educational processes are also part of the scope of the course.
Elaboration of the Thesis   
The final phase of the course includes the thesis defense which can only be proposed by the graduate’s advisor professor before the Coordination of the Program after the graduate has met the following requirements: I. Pass the foreign language exam; II. Take all mandatory credits of the disciplines and activities; III. Pass the Qualifying Exam; IV. Hand in the thesis samples at the Master’s degree department. The thesis defense shall be public and the Examination Board will be composed by 2 (two) professors who have a doctoral degree or equivalent. One of the professors will be from the Program and the other will be invited from another institution, having been appointed by the Coordination of the Program. Also, the advisor professor or, exceptionally, his representative will be the head of the Board. Graduates will be considered to have passed or failed the thesis defense by the deliberation of the Examination Board and no grades will be given.
State and Public Policies for Education
Theoretical and historical studies about the relation between State, government, society and education which is expressed in social public policies, especially educational policies and their implications on educational systems, networks and units. The discipline will focus on institutions, organizations, processes, mediations and instruments in the perspective of the relation between international, national, regional and local levels.
Studies on Educational Management
Theoretical approaches and references about educational management, organization of basic education systems in Brazil: modalities, financing, quality, democratization and responsivity of the public spheres in the process of decentralization. Educational reforms and their impacts in planning, curriculum and educational management.
Master’s Teaching Internship
The Master’s teaching internship is a mandatory activity for all graduates enrolled in PPGEdu, whether they have scholarships or not, and it must be done before the qualifying exam, preferably from the second semester of the course on. The participation in didactic and pedagogical activities will be considered part of the teaching internship: preparing classes, teaching practical and theoretical classes, participating in assessment processes signed off by the professor in charge, applying or developing pedagogical methods or techniques, carrying out directed studies, seminars, minicourses, elaborating textbooks and assisting professors in undergraduate research advising activities. The teaching internship activities must happen in UFGD. Students must take 30 credit hours of teaching (2 credits). Students must accomplish all teaching internship activities in one class semester at maximum. At least 50% (fifty percent) of the credit hours to be taken by the student must be used in teaching activities for undergraduate courses. No undergraduate course discipline might have more than 30% of its credit hours taught by Master’s student professors. It is possible for more than one Master’s student to teach in each discipline, provided that the credit hours used does not represent more than 30% of the available credit hours of the discipline.  Master’s teaching internship activities will not be paid and will not create employment relationship between the university and the student. Teaching internship activities will be accompanied by and developed under the responsibility of the advisor professor and the professor in charge of the discipline and, when they are different, of the Coordination of the Graduate Programs and the Coordination of the Undergraduate Course, provided the student is heard. The supervised teaching internship will be evaluated by the advisor professor and the professor in charge of the discipline.
Historiography of Brazilian Education
Debate over the history of education in Brazil, analyzing historical and current tendencies in this field of knowledge, with the objective of subsidizing new researches and approaches.
History of School Education and Culture
Discuss about theoretical and methodological issues related to Cultural History. Approach the influence of New Cultural History in the History of Education. Debate over conceptual and methodological issues and research possibilities regarding school culture, as well as the relation between school, culture and society. Discuss about school culture in the history of education in Brazil.
History of Education, Memory and Society
School institutions in several moments/spaces in Brazil, having history as a tool and incorporating various discussions about the registration of the presence of several social actors, their “voices”, and their relationship with education. The intersection between memory and history. File documents. “Places of memory”. School files. Theoretical and methodological contributions of research in Cultural History, Oral History and Technologies for Registering Educational Memories.
History of Childhood and Childhood Education
The different conceptions about childhood and the history of children in a social, cultural, anthropological and pedagogical perspective, as well as the construction of the history of children service, currently named as Child Education, analyzing aspects such as: its origins, objectives, functions, conceptions and pedagogical practice which is conceived in institutions.
Oral History and Education
Fundamentals of Oral History. Techniques of Oral History applied to Research in Education, Memory, Stories and History of School Institutions. Working with statements, identity and biography of educators. Oral history, culture and school practice.
Scientific Method in Cultural Studies
This discipline approaches theoretical perspectives which are relevant to the study of western and non-western culture and its relation with socio-educational issues, focusing on anthropology in the context of education: cultural differences, ethnographic analysis about themes, methods, languages, symbols and cultural production in other cultures.
Scientific Method in Education
Scientific method: documentary research; techniques for collecting and analyzing data; research and computing; questionnaires, interviews, focus groups; observation, case study and intervention; bibliographic research and the dissemination of the results. Education as an object of research. Interdisciplinary, interinstitutional and team research project and planning.
Educational Research         
History and tendencies of educational research in Brazil. Qualitative approaches: fundamentals, strategies, tensions and transformation. Quantitative and qualitative approaches. Analysis of research reports.
Research in School Files and Sources       
This discipline approaches the History of Education, focusing on objects, sources and files. It also promotes debates over sources and documents and the discussion about theoretical and methodological aspects of the analysis of Printed, Iconographic, Handwritten and Oral Sources.
Public Policies for Inclusion           
Theoretical references and international and national tendencies in the process of elaboration and implementation of affirmative public policies and special education policies in the perspective of inclusive education considering the relations between State, democracy, inequities/exclusion and the management of the education systems from the basic to the higher education level. Plans and programs for specialized educational service.
Research Seminar on Education and Diversity   
This discipline approaches the theoretical and methodological fundamentals and tendencies of research about education and diversity. It aims at teaching about the different methods and procedures of data collection and analysis so that graduates are able to think in order to organize and elaborate research projects. It analyzes research projects according to the methodological outlining which is relevant to the theme: ethnographic study, microsociology, focus group, microgenetic analysis, archeology, discourse analysis, content analysis, documentary study, case study, participant observation and action research.
Seminar on Dissertation on Education I
Investigation about the doctoral degree process considering different theoretical and methodological approaches for the definition, elaboration and development of the research project. Seminars/debates about graduates’ projects.
Seminar on Dissertation on Education II
Investigation about the doctoral degree process considering different theoretical and methodological orientation for the definition, elaboration and development of the dissertation project. Seminars/debates about the doctoral qualifying report.
Research Seminar on the History of Education
Investigation about the History of Education, Research Methods and Approaches. Theoretical and methodological orientation for the definition, elaboration and development of the research project. Seminars/debates about the graduates’ research projects.
Research Seminar on Education Policies and Management
Socialization in the process of building research objects for graduates. Subsidies for the elaboration of their work plans after discussions about the state of knowledge upon politics and education management, technical orientations and the evaluation about the relevance of themes and approaches in relation to the chosen line of research.
Topics in Education and Diversity I         
The objective of this discipline is to study relevant and innovative themes which contribute to the reflection upon Education in several perspectives and fields of knowledge, especially considering contributions as far as education, inclusion and diversity.
Topics in Education and Diversity II
The objective of this discipline is to study relevant and innovative themes which contribute to the reflection upon Education in several perspectives and fields of knowledge, especially considering contributions as far as education, inclusion and diversity.
Topics in Inclusive Education        
The objective of this discipline is to study relevant topics to the understanding of the inclusive educational process. The themes that will be covered are: Education and Social Movements, Popular and Rural Education, Indigenous School Education, Education for Disabled People, Education for Adults and Education for Work. The topics will be chosen according to the demand of the program. The syllabus may vary each time the discipline is offered.
Topics in the History of Education, Memory and Society I
The objective of this discipline is to study relevant and innovative themes which contribute to the reflection upon Education in several perspectives and fields of knowledge, especially considering contributions as far as the history of education, memory and society.
Topics in the History of Education, Memory and Society II
The objective of this discipline is to study relevant and innovative themes which contribute to the reflection upon Education in several perspectives and fields of knowledge, especially considering contributions as far as the history of education, memory and society.
Topics in Education Policies and Management I
The objective of this discipline is to study relevant and innovative themes which contribute to the reflection upon Education in several perspectives and fields of knowledge, especially considering contributions as far as education policies and management.
Topics in Education Policies and Management II
The objective of this discipline is to study relevant and innovative themes which contribute to the reflection upon Education in several perspectives and fields of knowledge, especially considering contributions as far as education policies and management.

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